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  • Writer's pictureIamy Ababa

The Future Workforce

What will it look like?


We cannot deny that automation and machines are crossing out some items on our job list. With this being said, what do you think our workforce will look like in the future?

Just so we understand how serious we should take this thought here are some events I would like to share.

I've worked as a customer support specialist a few years ago and I've seen accounts being closed which lead the employees to lose their hard-earned positions because they had to transfer to a different account. Why did this happen? It's because that account replaced their live employees with automated systems. It does sound painful and unfair but it was a good investment for that company.

Here's another case. The pastor of the church where I'm a member of was a ship radio operator. It was one of the highest-paid jobs during the 1980s but then again technology started to invade his workforce. You can pretty much guess what happened next.

So let me ask you again, what do you think our workforce will look like in the future? But before you panic and curse the awesomeness of the advanced technology that we have available in our generation, let's not forget the benefits it gave us. Let's open our minds to this and accept the fact that the "normal" workforce isn't going to be the same in the future.

Let's end this with a positive note, shall we?

This is not to say there will be mass unemployment. "The evidence of history tells us that in theory, in the end, we'll have more jobs than get destroyed," said Naomi Climer from Future of Work.

Better prepare for it!

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